Saturday, November 24, 2012

It's beginning to look like.........

Yep ~ You guessed it  ~ Christmas!!!
So here are a few peeks into various corners in my home.
I'm not quite done with the above photo as I think it's still missing something...hmmm...ideas???
Tinsel yes that's it..seems I can't get enough of tinsel town!

I couldn't resist getting these little cuties off of Etsy and altering them up a bit!
Too could any reindeer resist!
Looks like Santa is coming to town...he must be driving and picked up a Pixie along the way!

This santa looks rather large for that truck ..but you know Santa he is full of majic so maybe he did drive that truck over!

And below is my latest and greatest Christmas collage using a vintage suitcase pocket.

I wish the photo was bigger for you to see as the sheet music reads  "Deck the Halls"
So with that being stated I hope you have lots of fun decking all of your halls and walls for this Holiday season!!
Hugs ~ Tric